June 08, 2021
BREAKING NEWS! Our Doors will Soon be Open
...as of this Friday, non-essential retail (that is us apparently)
can reopen its doors with capacity restrictions.
*silent fireworks and edible native plant seed bombs exploding*
It’s been soooo long, but the day has finally arrived.
With much-deserved fanfare, Coriander happily announces the
reopening of both Coriander Life and Coriander Style to in-person shopping.
Our doors will fling open at 10AM on Saturday, June 12th to usher you in under the guidance of the prescribed health and safety protocols.
Ah – it will be so good to see your happy albeit masked faces again.
Masks worn over the mouth and nose are mandatory.
Hand sanitizer (provided at the door) must be used.
Capacity is limited to 15% and social distancing will be enforced.
But by now we all do this as second nature, so it is just a case
of the new normal reigning supreme again for a while yet.
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