Coriander Life's 2nd Annual Puzzling Tournament Challenge
Last year was such a blast, we knew we had to do it again!
So here we go… Announcing Coriander Life’s 2nd Annual Puzzling Tournament! Get ready for a day packed with heart-pounding excitement, mind-boggling twists, and edge-of-your-seat thrills. If competitive puzzling isn’t a sport yet, it’s only because the world isn’t ready for this level of excitement—but the real question is... are you?!
Last year, the competition was fierce, with families, siblings, and best friends battling it out for the grand prize of $500 to their favourite local charity. This year, we’re upping the ante with even more excitement, a few surprises, and puzzles that will keep you on your toes.
There are several ways to go home as a winning team this year. There are tournament prizes for:
Fastest puzzlers
Most creative team uniform
Team with the most spirit
… and, the judges’ favourite…
Best snack selection! (sharing is optional)
Some highlights from last year’s event.

Note the clever snack presentation and content.
We bow down to the almost diabolical use of an irresistibly cute baby to distract opponent teams.
Real friends puzzle hard with you. Because the competition is fierce. (See red garbed ladies in rear of above photo.) Sibling rivalry has been known to rear its fractious head.
Coriander’s 2nd Annual Puzzling Tournament will be held at the Collingwood Leisure Time Club on Sunday, February 23, with doors opening at 10:30am and closing at 5:00pm. The first round will begin at 11:00am sharp. The top 10 teams will then move on to the final round beginning at 2:00pm and will battle it out for the glory of being Collingwood’s fastest puzzlers.
The entry fee is just $40 per team, and each team gets to take home the puzzles they complete as a keepsake of the tournament. Teams can be a maximum of 4 competitors.

They brought their puzzling game with heart and style!

Drink in the absolute pure glory of our winners group photo. This could be you.
How to Sign Up
Entry forms are available at Coriander Life or can be downloaded from our website HERE. Once completed, forms and fees must be dropped off at Coriander Life before the big day.
But don’t wait—spots are limited to 20 competitive teams, and we’re expecting them to fill up faster than you can say “puzzling champions!”
Find more details of Coriander’s Puzzling Tournament Challenge with a quick peek on our event page HERE.
And remember, you can always browse Coriander Life’s vast puzzle selection and take one or two home to get in some practice before the tournament.
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