News & Events

Capturing Cupid
Between Jan 14 and Feb 14, each SAXX item you purchase from Coriander, will earn you a chance to win luxurious SAXX gear – that’s a whole month of seriously SAXXy chances!

Our extremely popular night of men in underwear, Coriander’s SAXX Fashion Show, happens November 7th in support of My Friend's House, a non-profit agency that offers vital assistance to women in the Georgian Triangle. Only 100 tickets available online or at Coriander Life and Coriander Style.

Coriander’s Love + SAXX Contest
To help you prep for the day of hearts and sweet things, we have conjured up
Coriander’s Love + SAXX contest. Great timing, right?! And it's as easy as 1, 2, 3.
Get ready for some very SAXXy times.