Coriander Style is very excited to announce that one of the many gorgeous gifts October brings is an FDJ Fit Clinic. Yay for Fall ‘24 denim fashions!
It’s time to upgrade your private denim collection with some of the most comfortable jeans you’ve ever donned.
Buying jeans can be daunting if you’ve:
- a) never been professionally fitted
- b) never tried on a pair of French Dressing Jeans.
The simple, easy, fun, and more than a little exhilarating answer to this dilemma is to come to our FDJ Fit Clinic. You will be sized up and into the perfect pair before you can say “OMG, these jeans are amazing!”
And they are amazing. Your tushie will be lifted and hugged and supported like never before.
Our expert Stylists will offer tops, shirts, sweaters, jackets, and accessories in the latest new Fall trends so you see a whole final look in your change room mirror.
Style will be bringing in extra FDJ stock of new colours and cuts for this event about a week beforehand to ensure lots of sizes for the event itself, so you can get the jump on refreshing your denim wardrobe or if you simply cannot make it on the 25th.
Mark your calendar for Friday, October 25th and carve out some space between 11AM and 5PM to have Kim fit you in a pair of jeans seemingly tailored just for your body. It’s magic what she does. Magic we tell you.
But come see for yourself.
This is always a fun day, so come with a friend or two in tow. There will be laughs, music, prizes and giveaways, and the latest from French Dressing Jeans up for grabs.
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