Introducing our latest two Superstar Stylists!
We are very happy and (somewhat smug) to share the news that Coriander has recently scooped up two crème de la crème candidates for summertime employment. Outgoing, bright, energetic, and possessed of a good sense of fashion savoir faire, they will leave you hard pressed to disagree with our choices. Let us introduce you to these outstanding young women.
The newest addition to our staff is Madison Thompson.
Having shopped at both Coriander stores with her mom, Madison has always appreciated Coriander’s forward-thinking and accepting/inclusive environment that offers something for everyone. Our customer service first approach and our ethical buying practices based on a global view which “can see the impact of choices” are two more big pluses in Madison’s book.
Always a fashionista, little Maddie favoured green fun fur coats and tutus paired with cowboy boots for school day wear. At the ripe old age of four, she was the very proud owner (and wearer) of bedazzled platform flip flops. Indeed, this now larger fashionista will have you know that she is not always as proper as one might think upon first glance, still relishing regular itty bitty bouts of “circumstantial flair”.
With her eye on earning her Juris Doctorate for a career in corporate and human rights law, Madison seeks to find the middle ground that would see a redistribution of resources in every sense and believes that the “law provides a smaller scale opportunity to solve these problems on a daily basis.” Perhaps we hired the next Amal Clooney?
When not helping Coriander customers and co-workers, Madison can be found hanging with her friends and a bottle of prosecco on a patio, playing tennis, strolling in nature, or relaxing at home. We feel very fortunate to have her as part of the Coriander Style team.
A lifelong Collingwood resident, Hallie Fryer has always loved to shop. Indeed, this self-proclaimed “little diva” would insist on carrying all the bags when out shopping with her family so it would look as though she were the big buyer. Her fashion sense back then tended toward the “crazier” side, but we imagine that wee Hallie looked totally adorbs. (She won’t show us the pictures.)
Shopping at Coriander was a family affair in her household and Hallie now enjoys working at a downtown staple and seeing familiar faces coming through the doors every day.
Her studies of Psychology and Neuroscience at the University of Guelph are in preparation for the next steps of clinical practicum and research which will lead to a career in therapy. Mental illness and child psychology are great interests of Ms. Fryer. Matters of racism, inequality, and injustice of marginalized people also hold space front and center in Hallie’s daily concerns, so expect this activist and ally to affect real change for the better in this world.
An avid hiker, reader, and “hang arounder” with friends and family, Hallie’s bestie is Tofino, the family 11-year-old cockapoo. Next on her list of goals is to master American Sign Language.
Come in and say hello to Hallie. You’ll see why we are so darned excited to have her on the Coriander Life team.
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